High-Tech Port 2016 (9-12 November 2016) Doha , Qatar

Date:  9-12 November 2016
 Venue:   Doha,Qatar
 website: http://en.hightechport.com/


High Tech Port by MÜSIAD will be held in Qatar in 2016, which is Turkey’s and Qatar’s concept market development project. High, advanced and strategic technologies produced in Turkey will meet with the market in Qatar and Gulf region. High Tech Port by MÜSIAD held under the auspices of T. R. President of Turkey Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and T. R. Mr. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu; is carried out in partnership with MÜSIAD and T. R. Undersecretariat for Defense Industries.

High Tech Port by MÜSIAD was held for the first time in 2014 at 15. MÜSİAD International Fair in Istanbul. Opening of High Tech Port by MUSIAD performed by T. R. President of Turkey Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and it has been visited by 7152 foreign businessmen from 102 countries and 120 thousand local visitors. High Tech Port by MÜSIAD will be held on 9-12 November 2016 at Qatar National Convention Center.

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